Monday, July 24, 2006


When you're lonely, though u dont wanna be;
wherever u turn, darkness is all u see,
when pain and fear is all you feel,
when the world's against you......or so it seems

when all your favourite dreams.. turn into nightmares
when all judge you but no one cares;
when they stone u dead and strip you bare
when friends lurk........ laying snares

when the friends u made on the way up,
make way for yu wen u fall down
when all u want is a simple smile,
but all you see is a world of frowns
as soon as you enter a room full of people;
you dont know why but u feel alone
there u are a wall flower..... in desperation;
when all treat u like the devils own


The Reprobate


Anwesha Chatterjee said...

So, you will be there to help the frend who is falling? Very noble thought indeed! Keep it up! People say, we were born alone and we shall die alone, so, its always a good idea not to expect much from our fellow companions

Anonymous said...

I know .. you have been mostly.
and yes, thanks a tonne.

The Sullen Comic said...

@anonymous: no..... thank YOU

Everyman said...

Reminds me of 'Bridge over Troubled waters' :))how u been mon?

The Sullen Comic said...

@Anwesha, anonymous(i know who u are) and everyman:There are 2 perspectives to this "poem"...

1. Am i the cause of the troubles(as in .. when u see me.. u in trouble... me a "kaali billi" of sorts..)

2.I am the solution.......

Nowhere in da poem am i telling i WILL solve ur problems

i wanted to leave that to subjective understanding

right now i think the right side is winning

Nithin said...

Knowing you, i could grasp both the perspectives ;).But i must say your first perspective was my first one too.

The Sullen Comic said...

@Nitin: Thank u sire....

Anonymous said...

The kind of ideas that we appreciate the most are not the ones that tell us of something revolutionary new.... but those that we believed in all along and hence are glad to see some one else voice them too.
Needless to say, I loved it.... perhaps because of the “been there seen that” effect.

A great (???) man once said, never get too attached to people, because they either disappoint you or they die….

I like the ray of hope at the end, but can’t help questioning it. Will someone be there after all?

The Sullen Comic said...

@anonymous(latest): I know who u are... there DEFI are tell tale signs....
there is DEFINITELY hope.... i think....
"Hope is a good thing.... and no good thing ever dies"
--Shawshank Redemption