Monday, June 19, 2006

(Have been tagged by Everyman on 6 werid things about here goes)

1.I have this feeling that everyone i know is out to get me.. but then again...."Jus because u are paranoid does NOT mean they are'nt after you"

2.I have a problem with unfamiliar "bathrooms"........... my bowel jus shuts shop........

3.I hate places where i am expected to act/be/pretend happy...... eg.. marriages of people i barely know and mostly have never seen , "family" functions, when one runs into familiar strangers.....yknow....

4.i hate squeaky shoes on small kids ....or rather the parents who make their kids wer squeaky shoes.... too much of noise......and pointless........ IS NOT CUTE

5.I detest words like.......... "choooo chweeeeetttt, choooooooo cuuuuuuuteeeeeee"..... or rather people (mostly girls) who use such words one more chooo...and i am gonna shove my boot up their arse

6.I dont think i am weird

shit my 6 options have run out..... these are jus the first 6 options that came to mah mind......and this easily is my fastest post ever


Anwesha Chatterjee said...

How about...I hate eating lunch????

Anonymous said...

When you have to go, you just have to go.. familiar or unfamiliar bathroom/toilet.

The Sullen Comic said...

anonymous users..........please leave a name (or atleast a clue as to whom u might be)so that i can RESPOND

Everyman said...

I so agree abt the unfamiliar bathrooms..very inconvenient..but anonymous said, when you gotta go, you gotta go..

Prav said...

i absolutely agree with u.. even i hate choooooooo chweeeeet words.. :)